How long running transactions can block vacuuming

Posted on October 10, 2024
Tags: postgres

Long running transactions can prevent postgres from vacuuming tables. But why?

Let’s first grab our current connections from pg_stat_activit.

SELECT application_name, pid, datname, usename, state, backend_xmin
FROM pg_stat_activit WHERE backend_xmin IS NOT NULL OR backend_xid IS NOT NULL;

 application_name |   pid   | datname | usename  | state                 | backend_xmin 
 psql             | 1025706 | tester  | postgres | idle in transaction   |   3290353754 
 Consumer         | 4161240 | tester  | tester   | active                |   3290354754 

In this example we have 2 application names: psql & Consumer.

The important column here is backend_xmin which represents the current state of the database that the application is seeing. Everytime we start a transaction the transaction is seeing the state of the database at the point of transaction start. As a result postgres can not vacuum tuples that have become dead after a transaction has started which yet has to end. The lowest number of backend_xmin represents the cut-off for dead tuples that postgres can remove since these tuples are not needed anymore.

Long running transaction can cause a lot of harm to applications where we are updating tables frequently. They contribute to table bloat.

One way to protect your database against bad client code is to set (idle_in_transaction_session_timeout)[] which is by default disabled.